09 marzo 2009

Ah, y quedan pocos cupos para el mini- taller 2009 de Becky Sharp. Así que los interesados, a inscribir sus nombres a:  rebecca.sharp74@gmail.com
Nos vemos.

4 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

Estoy interesada. Inscribiré mi nombre.

Anónimo dijo...

I will send you an email. I am looking for a more refined and stylish raw-first monde-cuisine- prose.
By the way, i love empanadas cooked by freaks grandmas of bigheaded-noisy-throat unbalanced grandsons.
So chilean

Anónimo dijo...

Tony, I'll be thrilled to share the writting experience. By the way, when I stayed a couple of days in Chili I dind't have time for empanadas, but a big headed noisy throat phsyco stalk me since the day I arrived so I have to ask the "carabineros" - a third world police in funny green costumes - for protection.

Anónimo dijo...
